Imagination for changemakers

Imagination for changemakers

Sketchy Business helps teams in change and transition processes to visualize their story.

Sketched out landscape with a circulair contstructiion supply chain in the middle.


Whether you are developing a new strategy, want to communicate your vision for the future or want to visualize a customer journey, together we will create a powerful and visual story with buy-in.


Visuals with impact

Gelderland Province

A visual that clarifies organizational goals and facilitates strategic decision-making.

Windesheim University for Applied Science

The Business Operations department of the Technology program shows how the digital campus will be implemented.

City Deal Circular and Conceptual Construction

A visual plan to engage stakeholders in the transition process towards sustainable building practices

Amsterdam UMC

A visual representation of the virtual leadership center that promotes connection and recognition among leaders.

Smart Freight Centre

All key players from global logistics visualized in context; on the road to Zero Emissions

Next Generation Infra

The 'value of infrastructure in the future' depicted in three scenarios; energy transition, digitalisation, urbanisation.

An infinity sign shows the path that managers in Amsterdam UMC can follow to improve their leadership skills

Leiderschapscentrum Amsterdam UMC

Een visuele weergave van het virtuele leiderschapscentrum ontwikkelen.

This visual is for the Ministry of Internal affairs and shows a circulair construction suply chain based on natural materials

City Deal Biobased Bouwen

Een visueel plan om stakeholders te betrekken bij de beoogde transitie naar circulair en biobased bouwen.

This visual for Natuurmonumenten shows differtent routes that HR can offer their managers to improve their skills


Verduidelijken van de HR-strategie voor medewerkers

Visual for Provincie Gelderland that shows how their internal facility management is making their assets more sustainable

Provincie Gelderland

Een visual die organisatiedoelstellingen van het programma 'Code Groen' verduidelijkt en strategische besluitvorming vergemakkelijkt.

Frontend Development - Devfy X Development Agency Webflow Template

Frontend Development

Tellus leo in morbi consectetur habitasse sem tincidunt venenatis adipiscing tortor, lacus aliquet congue nisl, nibh amet feugiat mauris consequat velit in nibh adipiscing dictum fusce amet

Mobile App Development - Devfy X Development Agency Webflow Template

Mobile App Development

Nulla faucibus tellus vulputate sed adipiscing dictumst donec interdum felis nulla leo plateaulla mcorper turpis in quam justo euismod

AI & Machine Learning - Devfy X Development Agency Webflow Template

AI & Machine Learning

Morbi accumsan tincidunt nibh sollicitudin commodo montes at et volutpat  sed  nulla cum feugiat amet ornare vestibulum cursus est congue

Backend Development - Devfy X Development Agency Webflow Template

Backend Development

Lorem vivamus vitae, ornare massa, fermentum at ultricies tempus erat bibendum pharetra, gravida natoque integer urna sodales tristique volutpat orci diam mauris morbi sodales suspendisse

Frontend Development - Devfy X Development Agency Webflow Template

Frontend Development

Tellus leo in morbi consectetur habitasse sem tincidunt venenatis adipiscing tortor, lacus aliquet congue nisl, nibh amet feugiat mauris consequat velit in nibh adipiscing dictum fusce amet

Mobile App Development - Devfy X Development Agency Webflow Template

Mobile App Development

Nulla faucibus tellus vulputate sed adipiscing dictumst donec interdum felis nulla leo plateaulla mcorper turpis in quam justo euismod

Sketchy Business has previously worked with, among others:


Always the right form

With Sketchy Business I work from a design approach in which I combine design thinking and facilitation techniques, always with the audience of the story in mind.

Visual stories for change; showing a client presenting his story with a visual by Sketchy Business

Visual changemaking

Together with the right team we develop the visual story for change. From sketches to detailed vision board on to slide-decks, animations and even beyond.

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Group of people in a workshop setting working on different task, individually and in small groups

Creatieve workshops

Custom-designed workshops, always based on the power of visual practice. Whether it concerns a strategy session, customer journey mapping or determining core values.

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Visual thinking training

As a child, we all love to draw. Unfortunately, most of us lose the fun later on. Rediscover your own creative confidence and learn how to apply this in your professional life in a tailor-made training or coaching.

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Herman from Sketchy Business doing a graphic recording

Graphic Recording

Seeing the 'big picture' emerge live is very valuable during an event or conference where many different stories come together. And afterwards, the visual serves as the perfect artefact for all participants.

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Custom projects

Sketch Business has initiated the following projects:

Book cover of the graphic novel 'De witte muur' by Judith Weeda and Herman Weeda

De witte muur (The white wall)

Together with my sister I created this graphic novel in which we show the patient perspective and the patient journey in healthcare based on our own experiences.

Visit the website (in Dutch)
Picture of the card game 'SDG's in beeld'

SDG's in Sight

A strategic workshop on the Sustainable Development Goals, including a specially developed card game that provides visual insight into the goals and targets.

More information

Samen ontwikkelen we het juiste beeld voor de veranderopgave

De kern van Sketchy Business; samen met een team van veranderaars een visueel verhaal ontwerpen.

Van schets tot uitgewerkte praatplaat naar slide-deck, animatie en verder.

Visual stories for change; showing a client presenting his story with a visual by Sketchy Business
Op maat gemaakte workshops, altijd met visuele insteek

Op zoek naar eeninspirerende en verbindende workshop? Ik ontwerp en faciliteer workshops op maat, met de kracht van visueel werken als basis.

Of het nu gaat omstrategievorming, customer journey mapping of het bepalen van kernwaarden.

Group of people in a workshop setting working on different task, individually and in small groups
Herontdek je eigen'creative confidence'

Als kind houden we allemaal van tekenen. Helaas raken de meeste van ons dit plezier later kwijt. Hervind je eigen creatieplezier en leer hoe je dit ook in je professionele leven kunt toepasssen in een training of coaching.

Voor je zelf om je gedachten te ordenen in een mindmap. Of als in gesprek met anderen met een flipover of whiteboard.

Het 'grote plaatje' inbeeld brengen, live getekend op je event of congres.

Een live getekend visueel verslag van is de perfecte samenvatting van je event.

Herkenbaar voor alle deelnemers tijdens en na de bijeenkomst!

Herman from Sketchy Business doing a graphic recording

Way of working

Imagination as the journey and the destination

Imagination is not only the final result in ways like an appealing visual or presentation, but also a process tool to arrive at a good conversation and to understand each other faster and better. This is my design approach:

Change through cocreation

Realizing change in a successfull way is not something you accomplish alone. That's why the Sketchy Business design sessions are always co-creative.

In this way, we build on the collective intelligence of all involved and create better stories that are also more widely supported.

cocreation logo

Space and attention

I facilitate workshops with careful attention to both the needs of individual participants and group dynamics.

This creates a safe space in which you as a team feel welcome to brainstorm freely and explore different perspectives.

space and attention logo

Sketching as prototyping

The visuals are the result of an iterative design process of making and testing.

In this way, all the sketches function as prototypes for the story you want to tell. And they invite you to dream and connect with others.

prototyping logo


The Sketchy Business imagery is drawn with clear lines and in spatial perspective (3D).

This spatiality also allows for abstract, layered stories to be depicted in a clear and attractive way.

dimension logo

Strategic narrative

It all results in an inspiring visual story that enables you to set out your vision and mission, goals and targets in a fast and convincing way.

The visuals support you in making complex ideas accessible. And it provides strategic direction for both internal and external stakeholders.

strategic narrative logo

About Sketchy Business

Envisioning a brighter future, together

Portret Herman Weeda

I am Herman Weeda, founder of Sketchy Business and Amsterdam based. I work with national and international clients on important themes that deserve a compelling story. Think of innovation in healthcare, circular construction or climate adaptation.

I've got a background as an industrial designer, which allows me to quickly translate complex issues into clear concepts. I like the tension between creativity and structure, between planned and improvised, between intuitive and analytical.

In order to be able to facilitate successful sessions and workshops, I have gained experience in, among other things, Art of Hosting and Theory U. This helps me to guide conversations that really matter, for the project and for the participants.

Please get in touch if you want to know more.

Portrait of Herman Weeda by Marieke de Bra
Contact me


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