Do you want to get started with the Sustainable Development Goals, but don't know how?

Start your discovery with SDG's in sight

The SDG's?

The '2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development', adopted by all UN member states in 2015, is a framework for 'peace and prosperity for people and planet, now and in the future'.

At the heart of the goals are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals / SDG's; an urgent call to end poverty, improve health and education, reduce inequality and stimulate economic growth, while also tackling climate change and conserving oceans and forests.

Making it Insightful

The SDGs are a large and complex framework. That is why we, as Sketchy Business and Kamp Vuur, have joined forces and developed ‘SDGs in Sight’. In this workshop, you and your team will learn about the SDGs and apply them in a fun and inspiring way!

The workshop

During this workshop, you and your team will become acquainted with the How and the Why of the SDGs, explore the connections between the different themes and further elaborate on the objectives that suit your organization best and translate them into tangible concepts.

Design Sprint

The basic workshop is set for a whole day and is based on the Design Sprint; collecting information, making choices, creating concepts and finally making decisions together. You get to work with your team and at the end of the day there is a concrete list of actions that can become part of the sustainability strategy of your organization.

The workshop can be tailor-made for the needs of your organization. Contact us for all possibilities.

The card game

The foundation of the workshop is the 'SDG in Sight' card game, which we developed based on the well-known SDG branding by the UN (both available in Dutch and English). With this visual tool you can quickly navigate through the many themes and you can literally see the framework in front of you.

169 SDG-targets

The 17 SDG objectives are divided into 169 SDG targets. These targets make the goals more concrete and feasible. The card game has therefore taken these 169 targets as a starting point and translated them into visual cards with textual descriptions.

"In a playful way, we discovered more about the SDG's and the chances they offer for our organisation"

The card game is the perfect starting point to explore the world of SDGs and is an integral part of the workshop. The cards allow you to quickly select SDG targets that best fit your organization, now and in the future!

Buy the card game


  • Knowledge about the Why and How of the SDG's
  • Insight in opportunities for your making your organisation more sustainable
  • A selection of SDG targets that offer opportunities for innovation in your industry
  • A fun and engaging day for team building

The team

The workshop SDG's in Sight is developed byHerman Weeda from Sketchy Business and Maarten Essenburg from Kamp Vuur.

Together they have over 25 years of experience in designing and facilitating workshops and co-creation for teams in the public, corporate and creative industries.

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